Through acts of citizenship we will have an environment of respect

At Auckland Point School we rate values very highly and we focus on individual values each fortnight.

Citizenship is our umbrella and under this we have respect and other values that we feel are important for the children to achieve.

This term will be continue to focus on citizenship along with resilience. We are growing ‘Can Do Kids’.

Big things happen in small schools!

The advantages of attending our small school are:

  • Children have a greater sense of belonging.

  • Children know and care about each other.

  • We have a family atmosphere and our diversity is celebrated.

  • Multi age grouping and cooperative learning.

  • High expectations of achievement and behaviour.

  • Clear lines of communication between home and school.

“The culture of small schools typically revolves around hard work, high aspirations, respect for others, and the expectation that all students will succeed”.
Wasley P and Lear, R “Small Schools, Real Gains” Educational leadership, March 2001, Volume 58(6)

The following are snippets from our 2009 ERO (Education Review Office) report:

  • Auckland Point School is a small full primary school situated in inner city Nelson. Students are provided with a range of facilities including a swimming pool, hall and spacious classrooms.

  • Professional leadership is well focused on student learning and achievement. The principal is establishing goals and expectations for learning and behaviour based around the vision and values stated in the school’s charter and the curriculum statements.

  • School achievement data for 2009 indicate that students are making good progress in mathematics, reading and writing. Māori students are achieving as well as, and in some cases higher than, their non-Māori peers in reading and writing.

  • Teachers use a range of teaching strategies in the classroom to promote achievement.

  • In all classes teacher aides and other community volunteers work effectively alongside teachers.

Click here to see a copy of our 2016 community report